Note Guidelines¶
This page contains content guidelines for notes used throughout various levels of description at the Reuther. The following content guidelines are based on a combination of DACS and local practice -- where applicable, a link is provided to the DACS guidelines for a particular element.
The usage of the following note types will differ depending on the level of description -- many note types are required at the collection-level, and either optional or unused throughout the inventory. Refer to level-specific guidelines for Resources notes and Archival Object notes for further instruction.
ArchivesSpace has several note types that are not detailed below. Do not use note types that are not detailed below. Consult with the Technical Services Archivist if information needs to be recorded that does not fit into any of the below note guidelines.
DACS: n/a
Collection-level: Required
Component-level: Unused
Content Guidelines
Abstract notes are brief statements that includes high-level descriptive information for an entire collection. It should include the most important information from the Biographical/Historical note and Scope and Contents note. A typical abstract will be between a few sentences to a paragraph long.
DACS: 2.7
Collection-level: Levels 1 and 2 required, Level 3 optional
Component-level: Generally unused
Content Guidelines
Biographical/Historical notes are a short narrative biography of the person or history of the corporate entity that created or collected the materials being described.
The purpose of this note is to provide the researcher with pertinent information about the creator of the materials being decribed in order to place the manuscript materials or records in their proper context. Particular attention should be given to aspects of the creator's biography/history that are best represented in the collection of materials being described.
Scope and Contents¶
DACS: 3.1
Resource-level: Required
Component-level: Series-level optimal, lower-level optional/generally unused
Content Guidelines
Scope and Contents notes provide information about the nature of materials being described so that researchers may judge the potential relevance of the materials for their research needs. Scope and Contents notes may include information about the functions or activities represented in the materials, the subject matter documented in the materials, the persons or corporate entities present in the materials, the dates or time periods covered by the materials, and information about the material types or documentary forms present in the collection.
The collection-level Scope and Contents note should describe the collection as a whole. Scope and Contents notes at lower levels, such as at the series level, should describe that particular aggregate in greater detail.
Conditions Governing Access¶
DACS: 4.1
Resource-level: Required
Component-level: Optional
Content Guidelines
Conditions Governing Access notes contain a succinct statement regarding any access restrictions to the materials being described. Access resrictions may be the result of agreements with the donor, institutional policy, or the sensitive nature of the materials. The note should specify the details of the restriction, indicate the specific materials to which the restriction applies (e.g., the entire collection, a particular series, a particular box, etc.) and, if applicable, the duration of the restriction or the date on which the restriction will be lifted.
Collection is open for research.
Conditions Governing Use¶
DACS: 4.4
Resource-level: Required
Component-level: Optional
Content Guidelines
Conditions Governing Use notes detail any restrictions on reproduction or publication after access to materials has been granted due to copyright, donor agreement, or other reasons.
The Reuther has drafted several boilerplate statements to be used with collections of different processing levels and/or those that include oral histories, listed below. Use the appropriate statement and add any additional restrictions specific to that collection, if any apply.
Boilerplate Text
Use | Text |
Level 1 | Refer to the Walter P. Reuther Library <title render="doublequote"> Rules for Use of Archival Materials</title> . |
Levels 2 and 3 | Refer to the Walter P. Reuther Library <title render="doublequote"> Rules for Use of Archival Materials</title> . Restrictions: Researchers may encounter records of a sensitive nature – personnel files, case records and those involving investigations, legal and other private matters. Privacy laws and restrictions imposed by the Library prohibit the use of names and other personal information which might identify an individual, except with written permission from the Director and/or the donor. |
Oral Histories | RESTRICTIONS: Due to the personal nature of oral history, the Library prohibits use of the material in any way that infringes on individual right to privacy, or results in libelous statements or slander, in accordance with U.S. law. |
Physical Location¶
DACS: 4.2.6
Resource-level: Required
Component-level: Unused
Our current use of Physical Location notes differs from their intended use and will eventually be replaced with ArchivesSpace Top Container/Location management functionality
Content Guidelines
Physical Location notes provide information about the location of the materials being described if that location affects access to those materials.
The Reuther currently uses collection-level Physical Location notes to record the stacks location(s) of the materials. Ensure that the collection-level Physical Location note is unpublished.
Immediate Source of Acquisition¶
DACS: 5.2
Resource-level: Required
Component-level: Unused
Content Guidelines
Immediate Source of Acquisiton notes indicate the person or corporate body from which the Reuther received the collection and the date on which it was received.
Boilerplate Language
The [collection title] were donated to the Walter P. Reuther Library in [date] by [donor].
Processing Information¶
DACS: 7.1.8
Resource-level: Required
Component-level: Unused
Content Guidelines
Processing Information notes contain information about the actions taken by the archivist in processing the materials or about conventions in the finding aid that might impact a researcher's interpretation of the records or understanding of information provided in the finding aid. Actions taken that may be described in the Processing Information note include weeding, alteration of original order, devising of titles, or maintenance actions that result in modifications to previously published description, container numbers, accession numbers, etc.
At a minimum, the Reuther uses the below boilerplate language to identify the name of the processing archivist if known and the time period in which the collection was processed.
Boilerplate Language
Processed and finding aid written by [Walter P. Reuther Library] on [Month Day, Year].
DACS: 3.2
Resource-level: Required
Component-level: Unused
Content Guidelines
Arrangement notes describe the current organization of the collection. The note should typically contain the number of parts and the number of series and the names of each series. The note may also provide additional information to describe the arrangement of materials within a given aggregation, such as alphabetically, chronologically, etc.
The Reuther uses several boilerplate statements for Arrangement notes that should generally correspond to the level at which the collection was processed. Refer to the boilerplate statements below and make any modifications as necessary.
If material is a single oral history transcript, the Arrangement note should read: “Transcript arranged alphabetically by surname with other individual oral history transcripts at the Walter P. Reuther Library.”
Boilerplate Language
Level | Text |
Level 1 | Arranged in [##] series – Series 1 (Box [#]), Series 2 (Box [##-##]) and Series 3 (Box [##-##]). Folders are arranged [alphabetically, chronologically, in original order, etc.]. [Additional arrangement description, if needed]. |
Level 2 | The collection is arranged into [#] series. Folders in each series are simply listed by their location within each box. They are not arranged, so any given subject may be dispersed throughout several boxes within each series. Series 1: [Title, YYYY-YYYY (Box #-#)] Series 2: [Title, YYYY-YYYY (Box #-#)] Series 3: [Title, YYYY-YYYY (Box #-#)] Series [#]: [Title, YYYY-YYYY (Box #-#)] |
Level 3 | Folders are listed by their location within each box. They are not necessarily arranged, so any given subject may be dispersed throughout the entire collection.] |
Preferred Citation¶
DACS: 7.1.5
Resource-level: Required
Component-level: Unused
Content Guidelines
Preferred Citation notes indicate the preferred citation style for researchers to use when citing the Reuther's collections. The note should read as follows for all collections (replacing [Collection Name] with the actual title of the collection):
“[Collection Name], Box [#], Folder [#], Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University”
Additionally, for collections containing oral histories, add the following:
“[Collection Name], [Interviewee Name] Interview, Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University”
Related Materials¶
DACS: 6.3
Resource-level: Required if applicable
Component-level: Unused
Content Guidelines
List of related Reuther Library collections, by title only (do NOT include accession numbers)
Separated Materials¶
DACS: 6.3
Resource-level: Required if applicable
Component-level: Unused
Content Guidelines
List and location of collection materials not stored with manuscript materials i.e., AV, microfilm, etc.
Custodial History¶
DACS: 5.1
Resource-level: Required if applicable
Component-level: Unused
Content Guidelines
Add only if collection transferred from another repository who retained ownership prior to the Reuther obtaining the collection. Record any successive transfers of ownership of the collection prior to the Reuther accessioning the collection. Include the collection’s previous title and/or accession number if different than what is in use at the Reuther.
Existence and Location of Copies¶
DACS: 6.1
Resource-level: Required if applicable
Component-level: Required if applicable
Content Guidelines
Describe any digital or analog copies of collection materials and the location. Copies should also be accounted for in the extent.
DACS: 7.1
Resource-level: Required if applicable
Component-level: Unused
Content Guidelines
Add only if related collection has one or more related WSULS Special Collections. <a href=”[catalog record url]”>[WSULS Special Collection Title]</a>
(Add as many collection titles as needed)